Photos: Gospel Artiste Nicole Mullen describes a Typical Nigerian Party

Gospel Artiste Nicole C. Mullen attended a Typical Nigerian Party and had this to say:

Ok, Can I just say? Especially in Nigeria, Nigerians know how to throw a party like none other! Ya'll for real it's like "Go Big, or Go home! smile emoticon We celebrated the 60th B'day of a young man who had the energy and dance moves of a 30 year old. It was wonderful! This morning we flew out to attend a wedding celebration and to celebrate Karen…It's been fun! It reminds me of Proverbs 17:22 "A merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones!" Yeah…I needed that. Btw, Yes! I'm still working on new music!!! Hehe smile emoticon Grace and peace ya'll


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