An Exclusive Interview With Writer/Poet Kennedy Ifeanyichukwu Onuoha

Hot Gist Naija caught up with fast rising Author, and Poet Kennedy Onuoha and had a chit chat with him.

Read After the Cut :-)

Hot Gist Naija: What are your names?

Kennedy: Kennedy ifeanyichukwu Onuoha

Hot Gist Naija: In what year were you born? And how old are you?

Kennedy: 17 June 1993,am now 22

Hot Gist Naija: Okay, can you give us a little about your educational background?

Kennedy: I had my nursery education at SNAPS warri delta state,my Primary education at pilot science at wuse zone 5 Abuja, my junior secondary education at Junior secondary school wuse zone 3 Abuja, senior secondary school education at Government secondary school wuse Zone 3 after a short stay I moved to people comprehensive academy

 Kennedy: And a current student of a tertiary institution

 Hot Gist Naija:  What's the name?

 Hot Gist Naija:  And what level are you in?

 Kennedy: That I want to keep secret if u understand

 Hot Gist Naija:  How was growing up like?

Kennedy: Growing as a child was basically on strict,religious,academic and moral training.Despite being the only child I faced the challenge of walking alone and thinking alone without a siblings to talk to and have fun with but all the same, I have conquered all challenges all thanks to God and my loving parents

Hot Gist Naija:  How and when did you start writing?

Kennedy: It x all started with developing keen interest in reading and acquiring knowledge of anything I needed to know.I started writing essays which was my regular weekend assignment given to me by my father and it all happened in a flash early 2009 when I started writing my first two literary works

Hot Gist Naija: That's nice. What is your latest novel about?

 Kennedy: My latest book is titled THE CALVARY OF BLACK 1967 a collection of poems centering on the theme of war, confusion,societal ills,love,social disorder and specific poem on the Nigerian biafra war which the book bears its caption from.

Hot Gist Naija: What are your other books about

Kennedy: THE SURVIVAL OF AN AFRICAN ORPHAN is a travail story of a young boy Dike who lost his parents at a tender age. He was neglected, mocked,suffered greatly under harsh conditions of starvation and loliness.despite all the challenges he fought hard to keep  the words of his late parents coupled with hardwork,good moral  and faith in God he made achievements and attained great heights.

Kennedy: THE MISSING STAR OF THE SKY is a story is centered in good leadership and good followership which is presented in traditional setting. It also calls for cultural rebirth.

Kennedy: THE PEN AND THE PEOPLE is a play which centers on good investigative and quality also talk about how journalist should uphold the truth even at the point of life
threatening situations

Hot Gist Naija:  Lovely

Kennedy: THE DRUMS ARE SILENT is a collection of poems which centers on greatness, prosperity, sorrow, confusion ,love and thought provoking issues

Hot Gist Naija: That's nice. As a young entrepreneur, what is your advice for young writers?

 Kennedy: My advice for young writers is that they should continue to write good things about Africa and it's culture. They should show African originality in their write-up and use their pen to write against societal ills in their fiction or non fiction works

Hot Gist Naija: Let's go back to your personal life. Are you dating anyone?

 Kennedy: Uhmm that I think should be confidential because I can be reserved about my private life
 So it is a No

Hot Gist Naija Okay. Have u gotten any awards?

Kennedy: Yes weekenders magazine most outstanding young person 2013,JCI Abuja unity awards most outstanding young person 2013 and other recognitions

Hot Gist Naija: Wow. Personalities you have met?

Kennedy: Yeah late prof Dora akuyili, john Odey, Eugenia Abu, prof rukayatu rufai, prof Julius okojie, political figures,  some senators and honourable members of the house of assembly

Hot Gist Naija: That's impressive for a youngster like you

Hot Gist Naija: What giant strides have you achieved?

Kennedy: Writers and other public figures

 Kennedy: Nigerian university commission purchased my books THE SURVIVAL OF AN AFRICAN ORPHAN AND THE MISSING STAR OF THE SKY and was recommended to be used for course 101 in universities ,The Education Resource Centre ERC approved two books out of my 5 books to be used as main text literature in all govt and private junior secondary in Abuja, I have also been spotlighted on the media

Hot Gist Naija: Are you on facebook? Twitter? Instagram?

Kennedy: Yes am on facebook Kennedy ifeanyichukwu Onuoha, Twitter:kennedyanthony0, instagram:kennythapoet

Hot Gist Naija: Thanks for Sparing some of your time to hang out with us.

Kennedy: It's a Pleasure.


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